
and many more...

How it works

Step 1
Register on Playswap

Join our discord and register into our Play to Earn program (P2E).

Step 2
Play your favorite game

Starting playing one of the many games we support. More coming soon.

Step 3
Get weekly payments

Decide to harvest Playswap tokens $PLAY or keep staking with extra benefits.

What is
Play to Earn

Play to Earn is the product that will bring the next billion gamers into crypto.
This PLAYverse product enables the mainstream gaming community to earn PLAY tokens while playing AAA games on their PC, Playstation or Xbox. It doesn't matter if you are playing Multiplayer or solo games. You will be playing and making money. Any member of our community can use this tool. It is not required to invest any capital in starting earning while playing.

This product is developed to fill the gap between mainstream AAA gaming and the GameFi industry, where gamers need to invest capital to start and/or playing games that are not fulfilling their expectations. Now you will be able to monetize your long-time hobby by playing the games that you love.

Exciting right? Let's play!

Metaverse Items


Public sale 3.33%
Initial liquidity/P2E 3.33%
Team and advisors 1%
Marketing 0.33%
Farms and PlayPools 69%
P2E 9.20%
Project development 9.20%
Marketing and investment activities 4.60%
Initial supply details
Token Symbol


Max supply


Initial marketcap

12M - Listing price 0.5$

Initial circulating supply



Multiple deflationary mechanics


Reduced every year for 5 years. after the first year

Level 1
Available tokens

5.000.000 PLAY

Payment options



0.1 USDC or equivalent in CRO*

Sale start


Sale end


Lock up period

6 months linear payout after a 12 month lock period

Level 2
Available tokens

3.750.000 PLAY

Payment options



0.2 USDC or equivalent in CRO*

Sale start


Sale end


Lock up period

6 months linear payout after a 12 month lock period

Level 3
Available tokens

1.250.000 PLAY

Payment options



0.4 USDC or equivalent in CRO*

Sale start


Sale end


Lock up period

Immediate payout after a 3 months lock period

Learn more about Tokenomics


Q1 2022
  • Marketing campaingns
  • Community growth
Q2 2022
  • Play2Earn beta testing
  • Play2Earn mainnet launch
  • Public sale
  • Launch token
  • Launch Swap
  • Code audit
Q3 2022
  • First gaming tournament
  • Play2Earn improvements
  • CEX listings
  • Community growth
  • CMC/Coingecko listing
Q4 2022
  • Initial Game offerings
  • GameFi Partnerships
  • Stream2Earn
  • eSports partnerships
Q1 2023
  • Global expansion
  • Gaming/tournaments platform
  • Key gaming partnerships
  • Marketing campaigns
  • NFTMarketplace
  • Marketing campaigns
  • Listing on CEXes
  • Governance
  • Strategic partnerships


Can I buy in all 3 levels of the sale?
Yes you can.
Is there a minimum or maximum investment?
No. The only limit is the max allocation of each sale level.
What is the lock period?
The lock period of each sale is the time you will have to wait to access your PLAY tokens. This is a very important detail that you need to consider before investing.
What do you mean by mutiple deflationary mechanics?
This means we have functionalities in place to reduce the inflation of our token. This will help increase the price of the token in the long run.
I can generate passive income while playing. How?
Yes. Play to Earn will allow you to generate income while playing AAA games.
What happens if one or more levels are not sold out?
Life goes on, we proceed to the next stage of the project. Your tokens will be yours after the lock period and the project will be launched. It will be a bit more difficult, but we all played games in hardcore mode, right?
I still have some questions regarding the sale. Can i have a chat with the team?
Yes of course. You can find the team in our Discord server. Drop us a line anytime.
Where can I find the whitepaper?
Check here to read the whitepaper.
Where can I find the Roadmap?
Check here to read the whitepaper.
Where can I find the Tokenomics?
Check here to read the whitepaper.
Is there an audit to the code?
Our Swap is forked from PancakeSwap. We will apply for a code audit right after the public sale.

PlaySwap is NOT AFFILIATED, AUTHORIZED, LICENSED OR ENDORSED by Playstation, Xbox, Blizzard, Valve, Epic games, Steam or any other game publisher mentioned on this website. Activision Publishing, Inc. ACTIVISION, CALL OF DUTY are trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc. All trademarks, trade images and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.